Near Sawrey

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Miserable weather means no photos, the final couple of the New Year gang have arrived along with their granddaughter Holly. They rang this morning to say they were coming and it was just as well because the couple who took their room last night wanted to stay on. They had come to Sawrey because they had been to the cinema the previous evening to watch Miss Potter the movie and so wanted to see the locations, I asked if they recognised any of the village and they said they did, I didn't spoil by saying none of was filmed in Sawrey. Non the less it was our first booking as a direct result of the film.
We have been busy most of the day preparing for tonight's buffet at Buckle Yeat, I have a couple of games lined up and so there should be a couple of funny photos for tomorrow
The wind is getting up this afternoon, hopefully it will not be as bad as forecast.

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