Near Sawrey

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A sunny start to the day and quite warm so we opened the garden for teas after breakfast and had a steady stream of customers.

Don,t ask why but a gentleman turned up in the village with a large rabbit and sat it next to Mr McGregor and started taking pictures, quite a crowd gathered.

Matthew and Sarah took my camera for a walk down to Rawlinson Nab on Windermere and they took these pictures, amongst one or two more.

There has been another Hound Trail meeting in the village this afternoon and they had better weather than last Thursday although there was a couple of heavy showers.

John and Margaret two of the new year gang are here for a couple of days, they have been staying with their daughter who has just had a baby boy.

The village went very quiet around 3pm so we got finished a bit earlier than usual.

We are off out later with Matthew and Sarah to the Tower Bank Arms for a beer and meal.

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