Near Sawrey

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wow! what a day, we had a bright warm sunny morning and quite a few departures from the guesthouse, this afternoon we had a people in the garden and out of the blue it started to rain a little. Some people decided to sit it out with a brolly but one couple asked if they could come indoors, of course we said they could but the light rain would soon pass because the sky was still bright, how wrong can you be. Within a few moments the light summer type rain had turned into a cloudburst!
The drains were soon struggling to take the deluge and so I quickly lifted all the drain covers and just about stopped the water getting into the house, it did start to seep in under the clogging shop door on the front of the house but then the water level started to go down.
I nipped home to make sure all was well there and was only away 2 minutes and when I got back chaos!!! The water had started to run off Claife Heights and was coming down Stoney Lane like a river, the road drain at the post box is always slow (I have tried to get it sorted for years)the water then started to flow back into the area of the clogging shop door and get into the house again, Helen was busy trying to stem the tide from inside whilst I was doing the same from the outside, with a bag of garden compost and large plastic bag of dog food, courtesy of Anthony from the Tower Bank Arms, we managed to save the day.
There is a number of stories of flooding in the neighbourhood but hopefully everyone managed to keep damage to a minimum

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