Near Sawrey

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A busy breakfast and morning with some guest Brian & Joyce (and Benjy) leaving after a two week stay with us they are a great couple and will be back for another two weeks in October.
It was a dry start and in fact the sun came out in the afternoon so I dried some tables and chairs off outside, then the heavens opened.I had to bring Mr McGregor in as he was getting a soaking, lately a lot of people are calling him a womble which is a bit unfair, you would think they would get a clue as to his name from the village we are in.
He made the Westmorland Gazette this week in recognition of his fund raising efforts.
It was a quieter day on the tea front so we took the chance to shut up shop a little bit early.
We have been invited out for a meal by a couple of guests who are celebrating their Ruby wedding, it is not always possible to make it but we will be able to tonight.

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