Near Sawrey

Monday, September 05, 2005

The day improved and was warm,not to many teas till late on, we had three Japanese girls who ordered 3 cream teas and spent a good 10 mins taking pictures and then had 2 mins to eat it and then run for the bus, I'm not sure they caught it. One Japanese lady who was staying B&B, when her breakfast came did'nt take a photograph as usual but proceeded to take out a pencil and sketch pad and started to draw it.

An early morning shot of Buckle Yeat

Some Mountain Ash(Rowan) trees near Moss Eccles

We had a curry for tea and then went for a walk to the lake, but it was very gloomy and nearly dark when we came back at about 8-30.
Watched a drama on ITV not a bad story but far to many adverts

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