Near Sawrey

Sunday, February 26, 2006

We had a great night out last night at the Tower Bank Arms, it was a really good party and everyone enjoyed themselves, Phillip & Dorothy did the village proud with great beer with a fantastic buffet.

This is Phil and his son Andrew, Andrew has been a great help to his parents during the last 18 years at the Tower.

The locals presented Phil & Dorothy with a lovely print of the village.

Today was a bit of an event for Sawrey, Steve the off duty chef landed back to the Tower this afternoon in a taxi, shall we say a bit tipsy, he then had a coming together with the car park, Norrie and myself assisted him into the Tower yard, a ambulance was called because Steve had sustained a bad cut on the forehead,it turned out that an ambulance was unavailable and because it was a head injury they scrambled the air ambulance.

Debbie and Laura were sent with sheets to assist the helicopter to land, just about the whole village was out by this time.

A conventional ambulance turned up eventually and Steve was able to walk to it and then was taken to hospital, hopefully to make a speedy recovery.

It all happens in Sawrey.

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